Accidentally On Purpose: An Accidental Marriage Boxset Page 6
“The pastor is having an affair with a parishioner, but they’re both married, and the pastor’s wife was found dead under mysterious circumstances.” The truth was, if you seen ten of these shows, then you’d seen them all, but I loved them anyway. It was a hardcore addiction.
“Damn, that’s harsh.” He leaned over so our shoulders touched, and his scent snuck up my nose and planted itself deep in my brain. It was a good clean scent and I knew I would remember it later.
“It’s always harsh, but what’s interesting is the motivation, the fact that they think they’ll get away with it, and my favorite, the evidence that gets them caught.” It was probably too much to tell a guy, but since we were only friends it didn’t matter all that much.
When the show ended, Nash turned off the television and sighed. “You were right. That was strangely satisfying.” He turned to face me, thankfully putting some space between us, but then he smiled. And it wasn’t that flirty panty-melting smile, it was casual and it was content. And totally freakin’ hot. “Is this what you do all day, write dirty romance stories with murder playing in the background?”
There was no judgment in his question, just curiosity. “A lot of the time, yes. But I also learn to do new things like gardening, oil change, German, and knitting. Just to name a few.”
“Only a few? I’m disappointed.” Nash smirked playfully and shook his head.
“Well, I do have dirty romance novels to write, remember?”
He shrugged. “So tell me about them. Or just tell me about your favorite one.”
What a thoughtful question. “Well the book I’m working on, Sweeter Nothings, features a couple that isn’t even a couple. They’ve been through hell and back, together and separately, and this book is them coming together. Finally.” I sighed and told him the rest. “And there’s lots of hot sex, kinky stuff, public, fetish, you name it.”
“That’s a busy couple.”
I laughed. “Well it’s not just them. Some people just like to watch other people have sex, Nash.” He coughed and his ears grew pink. I refused to believe that Nash Boudreaux was actually blushing. “A little bit of exhibitionism is good for the soul.”
He barked out a laugh. “Really? Good to know.” His words were kidding but his eyes held a hint of something dark and sensual.
And that meant it was time to go. “I should head home. Thanks for having me over and for the beer.”
“Anytime, Vivi. Anytime.”
The way he said it had me thinking things that friends didn’t think about each other so I smiled back, waved nervously and hauled my ass back to the safety of my own house.
And not a moment too soon.
There was nothing like a bit of elbow grease and hard rock to make a man forget his worries. Not that I had worries, not really, but I had thoughts. More thoughts about Vivi than I would like, which is why I skipped the electric tools as I got started on her headboard, carving and sanding until my arms and back screamed in agony. It was better than the agony below the belt which had seemed to increase lately.
Which meant it was time to stop planning to call Zeke, and actually call him. And I would. As soon as I made some headway on this headboard. Vivi wanted something detailed and grand, beautiful she’d instructed, and I made sure that all my clients walked away satisfied. So I worked hard, for long hours I carved intricate swirls into the posts on either side, sanding down the areas that needed it, and stepping back to double and triple check my progress.
It was coming together, but even though I’d made plenty of progress, there was still a long way to go. But it was plenty of progress for today. One of the best parts of my job was that I got plenty of physical activity which meant I didn’t have to always make time for the gym. A quick shower to wash away the sweat and wood shavings, and it was time for lunch, which revealed that I also needed to go grocery shopping.
“Well, that’s no way to greet your best friend,” Zeke said, his voice startling the hell out of me. “And by the way Sheriff, you might want to lock your doors.”
“Yeah, try saying that to Norah.” She was a whirlwind, running here and there as the mood suited her. “This morning, she tore out the front door and over to Vivi’s place to ask her for help with some hairstyle, interrupted her morning yoga and then darted back with just enough time to earn me an evil glare from Principal Martin.” But the sight of Vivi in what passed for yoga gear was worth the trouble.
“Yoga? Tell me more.”
I flicked my gaze to the paper bag in his hand. “Something in there for me?”
He flashed a smirk and set the bag down. “Roast beef with horseradish and caramelized onions and cheddar. Dill chips and a six pack of a new microbrew I’m trying out.”
“Market research?” I twisted the cap off and took a look at the bottle with the bikinied tomboy riding an old school banana bike. “Scotch ale? I like it.”
“You were saying something about yoga pants?” Zeke rubbed his chin, one brow hitched up to encourage me to spill.
“More like yoga booty shorts only, it was a one piece. Light purple.” And it hugged her curves like nobody’s business, especially that delectable looking ass that was firm, but had enough jiggle to make it fun to watch her move. “She’s in good shape.”
“Sounds like amazing shape. Based on the look in your eyes, I mean.” With a wide shit eating grin, he bit into his own vegetarian monstrosity of a sub sandwich. “So you gonna do something about it?”
“No. We’re friends.” And no matter what my cock said, I was in control. “Besides, it would get too messy with us being neighbors and all.”
“Or it could be fun. Late night rendezvouses and sneaking home at dawn.”
That did sound nice. But dangerous. “Or it could get messy and complicated. Besides, Norah likes her, and she hasn’t liked much of anyone lately.”
“Then you don’t mind if I ask her out?”
Hell yeah I minded! But what could I say? We were friends. Just friends.
“Not at all. Just don’t mess with her.” Zeke stared at me with that intense stare of his that seemed to see everything. The worst part was that he didn’t say anything. “You would’ve made a fine detective.”
“You’re really going to let me ask her out?” He shook his head. “And here I thought you were the smart one. Man, stop being stupid, will you?” He took a few more bites of his sandwich, taking turns moaning over the sandwich and shaking his head at me.
“We’re friends, Zeke.”
“Whatever you say, Nash.”
I needed to change the subject and fast. “You busy tonight?”
“Yep, going to check out this new club in the city with live music.”
I rolled my eyes. Every inch of New Orleans had live music, especially after dark. “Want company?”
“Do I want a wingman? Damn right, I do.” He grinned and finished his sandwich before tackling the chips and another beer. “Because you’re trying to prove something to yourself, I’ll wait to ask out Viviana.” He licked his lips. “Even that name sounds sexy on my lips.”
“Zeke,” I growled which was a mistake, because it only made the asshole laugh.
“Sorry, friend. I do hope you get that protective when people talk about me like that.”
“Every single time, and you should hear what they say!” Zeke glared this time, and I laughed, dodging a chip he threw at me just as a knock sounded. A slow, lazy knock that I knew well. “Hold that thought.” I pulled the door open and found Vivi worrying her plump bottom lip. “Hey.”
“You’re not in the middle of some afternoon delight, are you?” She fidgeted and hopped from one foot to the other.
“No, why?” I crossed my arms and leaned against the door, taking her in. She was adorable when she was anxious.
“Because I need your help, and it would be weird to ask if you were just balls deep in someone else.” I coughed at her words and took a step back. “Th
anks. So if not some midday nookie, who’s car is out front?”
“Zeke’s,” I said at the same time Zeke said,
She turned with a friendly smile. “The famous Uncle Zeke.” Vivi stuck out her hand, friendly and open as usual, with none of the usual desire and flirtation he was used to. It probably made me a dick for being happy about that, but I was.
“And you’re Vivi, who walks on water.”
She laughed. “Maybe, but somehow I manage to trip over even that.” She turned back to me, a twinkle in her big green eyes. “Which is, kind of, why I’m here.”
She nibbled her bottom lip again, and I had to have a quick private chat with my cock. “Are you going to make me guess?”
“Let me,” Zeke said in a low, joking voice.
“Sorry dude, but I don’t know you,” she told him and walked over to me, turned around and bent over. “It’s on my right leg right below my butt cheek,” she said, her voice muffled.
“Damn, Nash, you get all the luck.”
“Shut it,” we both told him at the same time.
“Something stung me, I’m pretty sure, because I saw it. But I’m not sure there’s enough yoga in the world that would let me hold my thigh and a mirror plus tweezers to pull it out so…can you?”
She was torturing me, that had to be it. Either that or it was some kind of cruel joke. “Yeah, sure. Did you disinfect it?”
“Yes and no. I put some alcohol on it, but it burned like hell so I rinsed it off.”
“Seriously, Vivi? Let me get my tweezers.”
She stood and faced me before pulling a small silver set of tweezers from her cleavage. “Got it. Ignore the warmth,” she said and shoved it in my hand. As though I could ignore the warmth knowing that it was from her tits.
“Right.” Vivi bent over again and I knelt behind her, ignoring the scent of flowers mixed in with her feminine sweat became impossible. The curve of her ass tempted me beyond all reason.
“You okay back there, buddy?”
I flipped Zeke off and repositioned the tweezers. “I need to tighten your skin.”
“Go ahead and do what you gotta do, Nash. I’m not shy.”
“No kidding. Hush before I pull something you don’t want me to pull.” She laughed, wiggled her ass a little and I had to bite back a groan. Once I was able to block out all the feminine curves, I could see the problem. “That’s a big ass stinger. What bit you?”
“Not sure, Nash. I don’t spend all day staring at my ass.”
“Pity,” Zeke said with a chuckle.
“Do you ever turn it off?” She asked and I had to hide my smile. Another reason Vivi was awesome, she didn’t fall at Zeke’s feet.
“No one has ever asked me to before.”
“That’s too bad. You’re pretty to look at, and Norah thinks you’re the cat’s meow.”
“The cat’s meow?” He arched a brow and she laughed, but it turned into a squeal as I grabbed the stinger and pulled it out.
“When you hang out with a little girl, the “fucking shit” isn’t quite appropriate. Damn, that hurt.” She stood nimbly and rubbed the back of her thigh. “Thanks, Nash.”
That smile should be registered as a weapon. “No problem.”
“You boys stay out of trouble.” She turned towards the door and then came back for her tweezers.
“Vivi, help me convince this old man to go out with me tonight, will ya?”
She looked up at me with a frown. “You don’t want to go out?”
“Not sure. It’s been a while.” That was true, but I was also fulfilled by my friendship with Vivi so I didn’t need to go out. But there was still one thing left unsatisfied, and it needed to be dealt with. Tonight.
“Go. Send Norah over later, and have fun.” She turned to Zeke with a smile. “Nice to finally meet you, Uncle Zeke.”
“Likewise.” Zeke grabbed her hand and kissed it, giving her his best bedroom eyes.
I wanted to punch his stupid, pretty face.
“Okay, I can see how that works for you. But in addition to knowing that you prefer Pinky Swear lip gloss to Red Alert, I also know that you have a lot of girlfriends. A lot, a lot, in the words of a reliable source.”
“Damn, cockblocked by a kid.” I held my breath, wondering if Vivi would be offended while hoping she wouldn’t.
“Oh my god!” She stared at Zeke with wide eyes for two beats, and then doubled over laughing. “I can’t believe you…oh, man.” She laughed and laughed until tears streamed down her cheeks and she began to choke. I shoved a glass of water in her hand and pushed her into a chair. “All right, Zeke, we’re gonna be friends.”
“That’s the wrong F word, sugar?”
“It’s the only one you’re gonna get, lover boy.” When Vivi walked out, Zeke was still laughing.
“I like her. A lot. This is going to be fun.”
I stood taller and a dark look crossed my face. “What is?”
“Watching things unfold between you two.”
He was wrong. “Nothing to unfold.”
“That’s why it’s going to be so fun!”
The day of the Solstice Celebration had dawned clear and bright, not a cloud in the sky and I knew the day would be a good one. Not because of Aunt Mae’s quirky prosperity ceremony, which I was sure would go off without a hitch, but because I’d finally reconnected with someone other than Nash.
“Earth to Vivi?” Maddie waved a hand in front of my face and I blinked, looking at her concerned frown. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I was just thinking about how glad I am that we ran into each other. I haven’t been in town long, but with my work, it’s easy to go days without seeing another person.”
Her smile brightened. “I’m glad too. It’s hard making plans with friends when you have to worry about things like babysitters.” Her smile dimmed a little, and that was just heartbreaking. A woman like Maddie deserved to have more. She worked hard and seemed to be a good mom.
“You can drop Max with me sometimes. I’ll wear him out while you go on a date, or take a bath or whatever makes you happy.” Kids were honest and full of energy. A few hours with them would put your head on straight and make sure you never thought you were too special.
“That’s too kind, Vivi.”
“It’s what friends would do. In fact, if you guys aren’t busy, I’m thinking about grilling for the Fourth of July.”
“Burgers?” Max asked, hopefully.
“Burgers with the works, and my favorite, barbecue chicken. And grilled veggies.” His face scrounged up and I laughed. “I’ll make a believer out of you kid, just wait.”
“That sounds nice, Vivi. Let me know what I can bring.”
“Dessert and beverages are always welcome,” I told her, and bought the miniature flask in my hand because I thought it was adorable. “Let’s get some food before I have to go become a spectacle.” We were on the move again, heading towards the rows filled with food and drink vendors.
“You never did tell me what brought you back to Belle Musique?”
“I suppose you really don’t have time for things like gossip,” I said sarcastically, and gave her a quick rundown of how my so-called friends had treated me. “So I got as much vengeance as I could, and decided I needed a change of scenery. Or an old scenery I’m seeing with new eyes.”
“What a beautiful way to put it. Not that I’m surprised since I am a fan and all.” She stopped and looked at Early’s Fish Booth. “Catfish?”
“And hushpuppies?” Max and I asked at the same time.
“Sure, I can do that.”
“Great, Max and I will go get some Cajun fries and ribs. Deal?”
“Yeah!” Max’s little hand nestled in mine and we walked a few booths down to Ribs & More Ribs to get, what else?
“Vivi! Vivi!” I turned at the sound of my name being called just in time to stop the little girl shaped bowling ball headed my way. “Hi, Vivi!”
br /> “Hey, Norah, how’s it going?” I wrapped my arms around her for a hug because I was learning quickly, kids hugged with everything they had.
“It’s okay. Dad’s being a party pooper.”
“Yeah? That’s too bad. Do you know Max Trenton? Max, this is my friend, Norah.”
“Do you like Cajun fries?” Max pushed up his glasses and grinned at Norah.
“They’re my favorite!” She jumped up and down, staying beside us as the line moved. “Can I get some too?”
“Sure, you can. Is your dad going to be worried about you?” It had been long enough that Nash should have appeared by now. “Norah?”
Norah sighed and rolled her eyes, thick black curls glinting in the sun. “He said not to go too far, but he was taking too long, Vivi!”
I had two choices, leave the line and go find Nash, which might make Max a little grumpy, or I could keep Norah with me and risk Nash’s wrath. It was an easy choice really when one considered just how good Nash looked when he was pissed off.
“Yeah, sure kiddo, come on. You can eat with us, right Max?”
He nodded and tried to tug me forward to place the order. “I’ll help Norah,” he insisted so I turned to the teenage cashier and placed the order.
Ten minutes and two bags of food later, me and the tiny terrors retraced our steps in search of Maddie. And seating.
“Stay close, munchkins, so I don’t lose you.”
Finally, about twenty-seven minutes later, we found Maddie at a table she commandeered. “Looks like you gained a kid since you’ve been gone,” she said with a knowing grin.
“Norah, this is Max’s mom, Maddie or Ms. Trenton.” Most people in Belle Musique didn’t stand on ceremony, but there was always that divide in the south between adults and kids. Every adult in my life was to be addressed as Miss or Mister without fail, but now that I was the adult, it didn’t bother me.
“Hi,” Norah said and held out her hand. “Nice to meetcha.”
Maddie grinned and helped Max get settled with his food while I snapped a photo of me and Norah before texting it to Nash with the caption, ‘Lose something?’ Soon we were all digging in, making more grunting and moaning noises than actual words. But damn, the food was delicious.