Stranded: A Mountain Man Romance Page 2
“I can’t just say yes without hearing the details, Lena.”
He was playing with me. I could feel it. Just like when I was younger, Rex and his younger brothers, Jared and Owen, would tease me mercilessly. At least I hoped he was just teasing, because if he said no, my plans would take a decade to put into action.
“You weren’t going to say yes, anyway.” I could see it now. Dad didn’t want me to set up a business in the house. It had to be the reason he’d given Rex a say in what happens to it. Dad was letting Rex do his dirty work for him. “Whatever. Screw both of you.”
I refused to cry in front of Rex, or anyone for that matter. Working in a kitchen surrounded by men had given me a thick skin, but it wasn’t too much to ask for your own father to keep his word, was it? “Damn men,” I grumbled and yanked the door open and froze. The sky was as dark as midnight and snow whipped around the air like the beginnings of a tornado. The ground was covered in at least a few inches of snow. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!” I stood there for a moment, frozen between the front door and my car just a few feet away, indecision warring within me.
The epitome of stupid would be trying to drive down the mountain during this weather without any clue how much snow was expected and how long the storm would last. But staying with Rex spelled a whole different kind of trouble.
The kind that usually ended with a girl like me completely screwed and totally fucked.
Fuck. My. Life.
“Looks like we’re bunking up tonight.” I was being an asshole, rubbing it in when clearly Lena didn’t want to stay. Tough shit. “You really should have checked the weather before coming up here.”
She growled at me and, hand to god, it was the hottest fucking thing I’d heard in too damn long.
“Yeah well I should have done a lot of things, but none of that really helps me right now, does it?” She turned and stomped back inside, brushing her luscious tits against me in her effort to avoid me.
“You’re not really dressed for mountain weather.”
The weather up here changed on a whim, and she had on a little white cargo skirt, a tank top, pink hoodie with matching sneakers. She looked like a sorority girl. She looked hot. Her long honey blond hair fell around her shoulders in soft, touchable waves. Big green eyes looked surreal against her pale, freckled skin. With her small stature and sensual curves, she was all woman.
“Rex, please,” she groaned and that sent a spear of lust right to my cock. “I’m not in the mood for this. My skirt is wet and I’m freezing, so please spare me your witty commentary.”
She seemed truly distraught, but that didn’t have anything to do with me. I don’t know what game her father Marcus and my mother were playing. But my guess was that Lena was caught up in it and she didn’t even realize it.
“Whatever,” I shrugged and went back to my cooler filled with fish. They needed to be gutted, so I laid down some paper and got to work. “You should have called.”
“You know, why didn’t I think of that? Oh wait, I called five times and you, Mr. Hermit, didn’t answer. You probably don’t even know where your phone is.”
I smiled and chopped the head off one of the rainbow trout. She was right. I had no fucking clue where my phone was, but Lena didn’t need to know that. “Well now you’re stuck.”
She didn’t respond, just scanned the room and sighed. “Where do you keep your wood?”
“Excuse me?” I looked up at her, cleaver perched over my shoulder mid-strike.
“Wood. You know the thing that’ll keep us from dying of hypothermia in the middle of the night? Where is it?”
I looked her up and down, enjoying the curves that hugged her body. “You’re gonna bring the wood in?”
Lena rolled green eyes at me and crossed her arms. “Don’t be a dick, just tell me where the wood is while you play with your dead fish.”
I held back a smirk and nodded to the back door. “The small shed out back. Just get what you can and I’ll get the rest.” She was a tiny thing, barely over five feet, there was no way I was letting her carry enough wood to keep us alive until morning.
“Whatever.” I kept my gaze on her as she tossed her purse on the sofa and yanked the back door open, disappearing with a few choice words for me under her breath.
She was a spitfire, that much was certain. I hadn’t seen Lena in at least a year, maybe more. She’d changed since coming back to town. Not only was she a knockout, a grown woman with a body that matched, but she had a confidence she hadn’t back when our folks were married. I’d finished gutting and cleaning the fish by the time she finally came back in, carrying a load of five logs. “I’ll get the rest.”
She glared at me and went back out the door, returning seconds later with more wood. Lena made the trek two more times before she finally stopped. “You can get the next load. If we need it.” She could try and sound tough if she wanted to, but I saw her teeth chattering and her bottom lip was a deep shade of blue.
“Come on. We need to get you out of those clothes.”
“W-W-What?” Small arms wrapped around her as she looked up at me, confusion written all over her face.
“You’re soaked and freezing. Take a hot shower.” I led her up to one of the guest rooms and made sure she had everything she needed.
I left before I started to imagine what she looked like naked, with soapy water running down her body. Shit. I’d never really thought of Lena as a sister, but I’d never gotten hard just looking at her either.
“Thanks,” she muttered to my retreating back, I was already headed back down the stairs to clean up the kitchen before taking a shower of my own. Hiking all morning to a good fishing spot had me smelling ripe and I didn’t want to cook smelling like a swap.
Thirty minutes later I made my way back down to the kitchen to find Lena shaking her sexy little ass while bouncing around my kitchen, with the most delicious smells swirling around. “What’s all this?”
She gasped in surprise and turned to face me, wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of big wool socks, she looked like she’d spent the whole day in bed. “Most people call this dinner, but I’m sure it’s just an imposition to you.” With that she turned back to the stove, turning the fish over and inspecting something in another pot.
Well I never said I wasn’t an asshole. It’s why I stayed to myself up here on Shadow Mountain. “It’s not an imposition, Lena.”
“Right,” she scoffed and kept her gaze focused on the cast iron skillet containing the fish. I watched as she worked like a perfect assembly line of one, breading the fish and frying it, placing it on a napkin and adding new pieces. She seemed calm except for the stiff set of her spine, rigid enough to cut glass.
“Can you grab some plates?”
Okay, if that’s how she wanted to play it, I could play that game. I set the table and sat there, watching as she brought the platter of fish, salad and mac & cheese to the table. “This looks good.”
“Thanks,” she mumbled and dropped down in the chair across from me. She began to eat without another word or another glance in my direction, giving me plenty of time to study her. She wasn’t just beautiful, but naturally so. Even before the shower she didn’t have on a stitch of makeup, but freshly scrubbed she looked damn near perfect.
And not at all how I remembered her when we first met. She’d been seventeen and indifferent. Back then I thought she resented my mom’s claim to her dad’s money because he was loaded. But soon I realized she didn’t want to get close until she could be sure we’d all stick around. We hadn’t, but now Lulu and Marcus were circling each other again, and here we were.
“So you want to tell me your plans for the mansion?”
“No.” She stabbed her fish with more force than necessary and kept her gaze on the plate.
“You know, Lena, getting my approval would happen much easier if you just share the details with me.”
“Fine. I want
to open a restaurant with a set dinner menu, price fixed. The rest of the time I’ll serve up lunch to the people of Cody. Happy?” She didn’t look happy at all about sharing her plans with me and I didn’t blame her. But Marcus had given me half the mansion for some reason so she needed my approval.
“How is that going to make money?”
“It will. I have a solid business and marketing plan.” The defiant tilt of her chin told me she didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Not that she wanted to talk about it anyway.
“Can I see it?”
“No. I’m not asking you for anything, so you don’t need to see it.”
Maybe. “Even if it means I say no?”
She shrugged. “You will anyway. I’m already working on a backup plan.”
She stood and glared at me. “That is none of your business. I’m going to bed,” she announced, leaving her plate where it sat on the table.
I waited until she was halfway up the stairs to tell her the bad news. “There are no beds other than the one in my room.”
She froze, groaned and stomped back down the steps. I smiled as she moved about the living room doing who knew what. When the room fell silent I stood, cleared the table and cleaned the dishes before seeing what she was up to. I found her sleeping on the sofa, three throw blankets tossed over her body.
Damn stubborn woman.
Being wide awake during a snowstorm was officially my least favorite way to spend time with my old friend insomnia. The wind whipped around outside, smacking snow against the doors and windows. It was a steady howl that sounded more like hell hounds were out there, poised to strike at any moment and steal my warmth.
Yeah, that’s how I knew I really needed to sleep. Hell hounds? Stealing my warmth? It was better than thinking about Rex and my restaurant, neither of which I could do anything about. I had a feeling that even if I handed over my full business plan, the one I’d gotten approved for a bank loan, he would still say no. Rex didn’t like me, which only made me feel like a big idiot for still being affected by him. He didn’t even want me to cook for him and I’m a fucking chef.
Yet another thing I couldn’t worry about. I’d never given Rex a reason to dislike me yet he did, and my future hinged on those plans. At least it had, anyway. Now, I would have to put out feelers to work at any kitchen that would have me. Story of my life.
But not anymore. I would just have to alter my time line a bit. Get a job in a kitchen and start saving up. Then I would start dating. Find a cute guy who made me laugh and hand my virginity over to him on a drunken platter. Yeah, that sounded like a plan. And I would put it into action.
As soon as this damn storm was over.
Listening to the storm though had me wondering if I should fight harder to use the house. Show Rex my plans and let him decide fair and square. But I didn’t want to risk rejection and I didn’t want him thinking he had a say in my business. So maybe I should just find my own property in another small town.
Hell, I didn’t know and I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to think clearly until I was off Shadow Mountain.
“What in the hell are you doing down here? It’s freezing!” Rex’s voice split open the silence and his heavy footsteps charged down the stairs.
“I was trying to get to sleep and mind my own business, but I guess that’s over.”
“It’s cold as fuck down here, Lena.”
“Then it’s a good thing you’re not sleeping down here, Rex.” I didn’t bother lifting my head to look at him because I could hear him stalking about the room. And tossing two logs onto the fire. “Gee thanks, why didn’t I think of that?”
“You could freeze.”
I sighed and rolled my eyes even though he probably couldn’t see me since the storm had hidden the moonlight. “I was wide awake and perfectly aware, Rex, but please tell me how I feel.”
“Dammit, Lena!” He stood in front of me, looking imposing and hot in flannel pajama pants and nothing else. “Come on, you’re sleeping with me.”
“No thanks, I’m fine right here.”
“I’m not in the mood to play games with you.”
“Good, because I said I’m fine and I don’t need you to worry about…me! Put me down you ass!” The big jerk tossed me over his shoulder like I was nothing but a ragdoll, and as a woman one inch over five feet, I hated being moved against my will so I kicked and punched anywhere I could. To no avail, the man was built like a tank. Damn him.
He tossed me on the bed like I was an inanimate object and pointed at me like I was a child. “Stay here and don’t argue. And don’t fucking think about moving, Lena.”
I wanted to, but his room was warm and toasty and I was sprawled on a spot still warm from his body. So I took his pillow, shoved it between my knees and burrowed under the blankets with my head resting on the other pillow. Facing a large bay window, I watched the snowflakes whip around, hoping the movement would lull me to sleep.
It almost worked until the other side of the bed dipped under Rex’s considerable weight and he rolled closer. His body heat warmed me to the bone and I felt an immediate and unwanted flash of arousal. Aware of him in a way I hadn’t ever been before. His hard body pressed against me, a sharp contrast to my soft body. Like a fool, I still harbored some kind of school girl crush on Rex even though he could barely tolerate me.
The last thought on my mind as I drifted off to sleep was, what in the hell is wrong with me?
The first thing I felt when I woke up was heat. Hot, humid heat. The next thing I noticed was the very impressive erection nestled firmly between my ass cheeks, and then one large, slightly roughened hand cupping one of my breasts. The other rested high between my thighs but not high enough. Then the hand on my breast squeezed, circled my nipple until it beaded just shy of painful. A moan escaped and I tried to hide it, hoping—assuming—he was still asleep.
“If you don’t stop moving, I’m gonna give you what your body is asking for.” His voice shouldn’t have made me shiver, but it did.
I froze and let his words sink in and I felt…frustrated. “I never took you for a, ‘any warm body will do,’ kind of guy.”
He growled in my ear and in half a second he was on top of me, his hips resting between my thighs, his long hard cock pressing up against where I was wet and pulsing. I moaned at his touch. “Trust me Lena, it ain’t just any body. It’s this one.” His hips sank against mine and when I moaned again, his hand replaced his cock and one long finger stroked slowly into me. “Am I just a hot male body for you, Lena?” His voice purred in my ear, causing tiny fires to erupt all over. “Fuck, you are drenched for me.”
I was and I was too far gone to feel ashamed or self-conscious about what was happening. “Rex.” My back arched off the bed as he sank another finger in, filling me up until I could hardly breathe. I felt my body start to pulse around his hand. “Yes.”
“Oh fuck Lena. I’m no good for you. No matter how much I want you, and believe me. I fucking want you.” His words should have killed my desire, but they didn’t. They pushed me right off the edge into a crushing orgasm that shook my body until I was spent.
“Rex,” I moaned again because apparently it was the only word I knew.
“That right there, the sound of my name on your lips as you drench my hand in your pussy juices, that just makes me want to bury my cock in you even more.”
Blue eyes stared down at me, intense and laughing. “I’m no good, remember? Stay here. I’m going to check on the weather.”
So he could get me out of his hair probably. Shit, was this a pity fingerbang?
Story of my life.
Standing outside in the freezing ass cold, shoveling the pounds of snow that had fallen was the last place I wanted to be. Even though things in the house were tense as fuck between me and Lena, I would rather be snuggled up in bed, with her soft feminine curves pressed up against me. Damn but
she felt good. All woman and shapely curves, soft skin. And fuck me, the little sounds she made when I touched her had practically sent me off like a fucking rocket.
But she’d gone quiet, like she had a reason to be mad. I was the one left with a hard and aching cock. Not her. She’d gotten off. Despite that, she hadn’t said much since, spending most of the day yesterday curled up with her small e-reader. Quiet, but not sullen. Mostly she looked lost in thought.
Probably about the business she wanted to start at the mansion, but that wasn’t my problem. I wasn’t getting involved, no matter how much Lena, or Marcus and Lulu wanted me to.
With the shoveling done—for now—I stomped the snow from my boots and stepped inside the mudroom at the back of the cabin to undress. Even before I opened the door leading to the kitchen I could smell sourdough baking and the scent of garlic and beef steaming the air around me. Inside the kitchen I spotted Lena, but today, instead of bopping to the music, she stood stock still stirring the pot, looking lost. “You cooked,” I said plainly, pulling her from her thoughts.
Lena turned to me, now wearing the jeans, tank and hoodie she’d arrived in. “I am,” she sighed, sounding exhausted, like just dealing with me tired her out. “Is that a problem?”
“Not for me. Thank you.”
I cooked because I had to, but nothing I ever made had tasted as good as the dishes Lena had cooked over the past few days. She definitely knew her way around a kitchen. Too bad a successful business was about more than the good food, and Lena had no experience running a business. I did, and I had no intention of playing babysitter to her while she learned the ropes. Nope. I didn’t have the time, I had my own successful handmade furniture business to deal with.
After a quick shower and change of clothes, I came back down just in time to catch Lena pulling the loaf of bread from the oven, her heart shaped ass in the air, teasing me until I felt my cock coming to life inside my sweatpants. She stood and placed the loaf on a wooden board and set it on the table. She returned to the stove to retrieve the pot and ladle, which she placed on a wire rack in the middle of the table. Without a word she took her seat and dug into the meal with the enthusiasm of a death row inmate.