Misters of Love: A Small Town Romance Boxset Read online

Page 14

His blond brows arched in surprise, but he replaced it with his usual charming smile. “Maybe it’s a gift. You have a secret admirer, Mikki?”

  “Yeah, right,” I laughed and it felt good. “So secret that even I don’t know about it.”

  “Well, this delivery is for this address and your name is listed as the recipient.” Karl didn’t wait for me to make up my mind before he produced a jamb and stuffed it under the door to prop it open. Seconds later, he wheeled in a giant misshapen box. “Wonder what it is?”

  “You don’t know? I thought everyone in this town knew everything. About everyone.”

  Karl laughed. “I don’t, but as soon as I open it for you, I will.” He laughed and pulled out a utility knife, slicing through the tape easily and cutting through the hard plastic ties. “Oh, nice. Here’s the note it came with.” Without another word or a hint for a tip, Karl left.

  I stood there, staring at a gorgeous deep purple rocking chair made of plush velvety material. I ran my hand over it, smiling at the way the purple color changed depending on the light. It was very pretty and even though I knew who it was from, I had no idea what he was up to.

  So you have some place comfortable to curl up and relax as the months wear on.~Nate

  Nate. Who knew he could be so considerate to any woman other than Rayanne? That response was snarky and unfair and I knew it, but it was also no less than what he deserved. But still, these damn hormones were doing a number on me, because I was touched by the gesture. By the thought he’d put into this gift. Into choosing it. I sent him a quick text. Thanks for the chair. It was a very nice gesture.

  His response came right away. I’m a nice guy.

  I rolled my eyes because that was definitely a sometimes kind of thing. When you want to be, I shot back quickly. The truth was that Nate had the capacity to be a nice guy—I’d seen it and experienced it on more than one occasion. But that made it all the more maddening that more often than not, he chose not to be a nice guy. It spoke volumes of his baggage, which was another reason I fought my hormones. And my heart.

  I’m a nice guy when I want someone to know I’m nice.

  So, he wanted me to know he was nice. Why? That was a question I couldn’t answer so I sent him a thumbs-up sign, whatever that meant, and got on with the rest of my boring Wednesday.

  By the time my shift was over, I couldn’t wait to get home—I had no work to take home with me and more importantly, my fridge was full of food. Fresh food. Boxed food. And my personal favorite, snack food. The first thing I did was curl up on the sofa for a quick nap, because being pregnant was exhausting and the long, boring day only made me feel more worn out.

  But sleep wasn’t meant to be because as soon as my breathing evened out and my eyes drifted shut, a knock sounded at the front door and I had to drag my tired body from the sofa and carry it to the door. “Nate,” I groaned. “I was sleeping.”

  He flashed an unapologetic grin. “I brought food.”

  “I have food,” I told him as I started walking back to my still warm spot on the sofa. “But, thanks.”

  “Food, yes, but,” he closed the door and toed off his shoes, based on the sound they made as they fell to the floor, “but do you have a veggie supreme pizza with hot wings and salad? Do ya?”

  I didn’t. And even if I did, it didn’t come with his smile. Dammit. “Fine. You and the food can stay. But when the food is gone, so are you.”

  “Whatever you say,” he agreed easily. A little too easily. “So, how was your day, Mikki?”

  I was too tired to suss out his motivations, so I shrugged and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box, not caring one bit if a piece fell to the sofa. Mama wasn’t here to chastise me about using a plate at all times and this was my home; I could get pizza sauce on the sofa if I wanted to. “Boring. Wednesdays are always boring, but now I’m all caught up on paperwork. Yours?”

  He blinked in surprise, as if no one had ever asked him about his day when I knew that to be a lie. I’d seen the people in town, especially the women, drool over the stories he and Preston and all the other Hometown Heroes told. “Boring as hell. Ma won’t let me do anything and I’m not even allowed to do paperwork at the S&R office.”

  “So, you’re bored?”

  He nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, returning with plates and napkins, plus a soda for him and ginger ale for me. “I don’t think I’ve been out of work this long since before I started working.”

  “If you don’t take your therapy and rest seriously, you’ll probably be out even longer.” I sighed, cringing at how much like my mama I sounded. “Sorry, that was bitchy.”

  Nate grinned. “It was kind of bossy, but I like it when you’re bossy. You know that.” His smile dimmed and I knew something serious was coming. “I want to make sure you know how sorry I am, Mikki.”

  “I do know, Nate, and I accept your apology.”

  He nodded like that information was a relief to him, which was an absolute shock to me. “My dad was never around. Well, he was rarely around, and when he was, it was all about having a good time. Ball games, sneaking beers, and women. Lots and lots of women.” He shook his head and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Both of them have been married a ridiculous amount of times.”

  I shrugged it off, because it wasn’t the important part, although it did tell me a lot about Nate. “At least they’re out there, trying to be happy. Most people, like my parents, are so focused on appearances that it doesn’t even occur to them to think about whether they’re happy or not.” And I’d been just like them, trained perfectly. “I was ready to marry a man that I kind of liked, just to keep them happy. To make sure the perfect picture stayed that way.” It was sad to think of how willing I’d been to give over my life to someone else. For someone else.

  “You’re gonna be great at this mom thing.”

  His words sent a rush of pleasure through me. “You think so? I didn’t have the best example. I mean, she was fine, but not all mother-y like Rayanne.”

  Nate nodded. “I know so. You’re fierce and strong and you don’t take anyone’s shit. A kid needs that kind of support.”

  Damn. That was one hell of a compliment. “Thank you, Nate.”

  He slid across the sofa until our hips were side by side, and those green eyes gleamed with mischief. “You’re welcome, Mikki.” Then his lips were on mine, a slow and steady barrage of soft, sensual touches with his lips and tongue. Slowly, his kiss grew hotter, deeper, and more intense. His tongue slipped between my lips and the moment his tongue slid against my own, I moaned and arched into him.

  God, his big body felt so good against mine. His mouth tasted like jalapeño peppers and sausage, and something so utterly masculine and Nate that another moan escaped and his big, thick fingers dug into the skin of my hips.

  Luckily, Nate came to his senses first. “Wish I could say I was sorry, but I couldn’t resist. Something about greasy pizza lips that really gets me hot and bothered.”

  “You could have resisted. If you really wanted to.”

  He nodded once. “I could have, but I didn’t want to. In fact, it’s taking all of my willpower not to do it again.”

  At least he was honest about his desire.

  “Is that why you brought dinner?” It wouldn’t surprise me if he showed up for sex—and honestly, I was so turned on I probably wouldn’t turn him away.

  He sighed and pulled back a little. “I wanted us to talk. Get to know each other, for real. Mostly I wanted you to understand why I’m hesitant. About the baby. And you.”

  I shook my head at words that made no sense. “I didn’t realize I was even a concern.” But that didn’t matter. He didn’t want me and he wasn’t sure about the baby, which meant nothing had changed. “You’re still not sure whether you want to be a father?”

  He shook his head and I ignored the pang that hit me in the belly. “I’m not sure I can be a father, period. But I’m determined to learn. To try. To be better than my old man ever tried to be.

  Damn, that was sweet, and I felt the tears stinging the corners of my eyes. “Nate. The fact that you care about being a bad father speaks volumes to the father you’ll be. If you’re willing to overcome your fear.” He was mature and responsible, and he cared about everything more than most people care about anything. “So, what do you want?”

  “I thought it was clear.” His expression turned playful but the seriousness in his emerald gaze told me that whatever it was, it was important to Nate.

  “It’s not.”

  “I want the baby. I want to be the best father I can be. Hell, I even bought a bunch of those books about what to expect during pregnancy, the first year and the second, the third. So many damn books.”

  I couldn’t deny the thrill I felt at hearing him talk that way about my baby. Our baby. But a small part of me, the selfish part, wished he’d said something about the mother, too—which only proved to me that these hormones were more insane than I thought. Nate and I could never work. We were too different, wanted different things. “That’s… great.”

  “You think so?” he asked, and I nodded absently. “Because I kind of got the impression you were hoping I’d bow out completely.”

  “I would never wish that for my baby, but the choice had to be yours, Nate.” He had to choose for his own reasons or else it wouldn’t work.

  “It’s not just the baby I want, Mikki. I want you, too.” The heat in his gaze was irresistible and I wanted to jump in his lap and rub up against him like a cat in heat, but I couldn’t just take him at his word.

  “You don’t have to say that, Nate.”

  “I know that, but it’s how I feel. I don’t like it when we’re avoiding each other.” He kissed my fingertips. “I don’t like it when I’ve got a funny joke and your laugh isn’t close enough to hear.” He kissed my wrist and up my arm. “I don’t like it when you’re mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad right now.” My words came out breathy and I knew I was a different kind of mad. The crazy, feverish kind that made a hormonal girl do things she shouldn’t with a man she may or may not, sort of, kind of, maybe love.

  “Not yet,” he growled and stripped me out of my clothes. “But you will be. And soon.”

  Then Nate got to work making that promise come true.


  Here I was again, standing on Mikki’s doorstep and feeling unsure of myself. I didn’t know what it was about this woman, but she had a way of making me want to be a better man than I knew myself to be. It was the only explanation for my recent behavior where the curvy southern belle was concerned. Mostly. The chair was because I knew her fatigue and exhaustion would only get worse as the pregnancy progressed. The food was because I knew how much she loved food and she was too polite to kick me out without offering food, which gave us plenty of time to talk.

  To get to know each other. And over the past few weeks, I’d learned that Mikki was one impressive woman. Sure, she was born rich and privileged, but she knew how to work hard and smart, and she wasn’t obsessed with material things. I was pretty sure that I was starting to fall for her. Which made it even more important that I show her that I was a nice guy, that we could be really good together. As parents. As partners.

  Finally, my brain sent the message to my arm and I pressed the doorbell, hoping I hadn’t interrupted another nap. I had a knack for disturbing her sleep these days.

  The door opened and, thankfully, she didn’t look like she had been sleeping. “Nate. What are you doing here?”

  It wasn’t my favorite question, but I was getting pretty familiar with the beat and the lyrics since it was Mikki’s favorite tune. “I come bearing gifts,” I said instead, holding up the familiar yellow bag with the white logo. I took a step forward, confident this particular gift would earn me an invitation inside, but Mikki but a hand to my chest and stopped me. Hope hadn’t fled yet, though, because she let her hand linger for just a moment too long.

  “What kind of gift?”

  Sometimes, I forgot Mikki hadn’t been born and raised in Tulip. It felt like she’d always been here. “You don’t trust me?”

  “Should I? I mean, you are the one who thinks I got pregnant on purpose, right?” Her tone was acidic and I knew I deserved it, but dammit, I just wanted her to move forward. I just wanted us to move forward.

  “A mistake on my part. A really fucking big mistake, Mikki.” I felt guilty as hell for those words. It didn’t matter, not even to me, that they had come from shock and history. “I’ll keep telling you how sorry I am until you believe it. Now, can I come in?”

  She nodded, reluctantly, and took a step back. She looked exhausted, completely worn out, but she was too damn stubborn to admit it. “What’s up, Nate?”

  “Why does anything have to be up? Can’t a friend come check on another friend?”

  “Sure.” She didn’t have to say it, but that one word asked the question I knew was spinning in her mind. Are we friends, Nate?

  “Can’t a man come check and see how the mother of his baby is doing?”

  She relaxed, just a fraction. “Is that what you’re doing?”

  “A little of both,” I confirmed, waiting until she dropped onto the sofa before making my way to the kitchen. “We’re having a baby.” Mikki kept her kitchen neat and tidy, a miracle given how many hours she worked and how tired she felt lately.

  “I’m having a baby,” she clarified from her spot on the sofa.

  “And I had a part in that, or have you forgotten?”

  “Like I could,” she mumbled to herself, but her words traveled and, more importantly, brought a smile to my face. “Fine, you helped get me pregnant, Nate, no one is denying that. But the rest of this—the puking and fatigue, the cravings and sore nipples and mood swings—that’s all on me.”

  It gutted me to hear how much she was suffering and to know there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. “I wish I could take some of it off your shoulders, Mikki. I really do.” I found one of those fancy wooden cutting boards and laid everything out until I was satisfied.

  “Yeah, but you can’t. And don’t think you can boss me around about my body.”

  Her fierce words made me smile and I made my way back to the living room with the board. “I wouldn’t dream of bossing you around. With your clothes on, of course.”

  She frowned. “What’s in your hand?”

  I set the board down and took a seat beside her, watching as she carefully eyed the grapes, pecans, and crackers that surrounded the cheese. “Another kind gesture, but I’m not supposed to have soft cheese.” Her tone clearly suggested just how much she disliked that rule.

  “It’s vegan and very cheese-like, I’m told. Plus, it’s perfect for pregnant women.” I didn’t know what the hell vegan cheese was, but it was worth my discomfort when she laid that million-watt smile on me.

  “Nate,” she whispered, voice thick with emotion, and I braced myself for another flood of tears. “This is so thoughtful.”

  “Don’t cry, Mikki. Please, just don’t cry, okay?”

  She looked up at me with watery hazel eyes and laughed. “You can climb a mountain and fall off a cliff, but a crying woman terrifies you?”

  “Damn straight,” I told her honestly, which only made her laugh even harder.

  “Ridiculous.” Then excitement entered her eyes and she leaned forward to grab a cracker for the cheese she was already slicing. “And so good!” She moaned two more times as her teeth sank into the cheese. Head leaned back with her eyes closed, she savored each bite. “That is amazing. Have some.”

  I frowned. “No, thanks, I prefer my cheese to come from a cow.”

  She shrugged. “More for me.”

  As long as she wasn’t crying, I could deal with the moans making my pants tighter by the second. “How was your day, Mikki?”

  She froze and her gaze shifted to me, looking me up and down like she was still trying to figure out what I was up to, before giving up. “It was fine. Boring ot
her than going through all the new inventory and making sure my new part-timer was ready to be left alone.” She shrugged like it was no big deal, but I could see her mind spinning.

  “You trained her, right?”

  She nodded. “Of course I did.”

  “The best you could?”

  Another nod.

  “Then stop worrying and enjoy having an afternoon filled with fancy cheese and fruit. Otherwise, what’s the point of hiring someone else?”

  Her shoulders fell as she relaxed against those plush pillows women seemed to love piling everywhere. “You’re right. I know that, but I can’t help it. Pretty Feathers is my baby.”

  “So is that baby.” I pointed to her belly, which looked no different.

  “Which is why I’m at home in the middle of the afternoon instead of at my shop, Nate.” Her tone had sharpened, and I knew I was a second away from getting tossed out. “Did you do your therapy?”

  “Twice already today and I only took over the counter pain pills.” I didn’t even want to take those, but all the walking meant a constant low level of pain. “I’m headed back to work on Monday. Light duty only, which is office work.”

  “Don’t tell me you think you’re ready to go traipsing through the woods already?” Her tone said if I thought that then she thought I was an idiot, so I didn’t say it.

  I nodded.

  “My god, you really are a fool. I’m having a baby with a dummy. A big, bearded dummy.” She shook her head and reached for a grape, popping it in her mouth even as she looked at me in disgust. “Nate, don’t be stupid. You need to heal or you’ll end up worse off.”

  I smiled and dropped a hand to her thigh. “Aw, Mikki, you worried about me?”

  “Not for me,” she insisted primly. “But if you plan on sticking around, the baby might worry.”

  It was such a ridiculous statement I couldn’t help but laugh. “Then I’ll be sure to take it easy. For the baby.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.” Her haughty tone was fooling nobody, but I let her have it.

  “You said something about sore nipples? I read that some women find relief in massages.” It was a big gamble, a huge risk, and the shocked look on her face had my feet preparing to hold my weight as I headed for the door.