Accidentally On Purpose: An Accidental Marriage Boxset Read online

Page 11

  “I want you,” she whispered in my ear as I stroked my cock and lined our bodies up. “I want you to make me scream, Nash.”

  “Fuck, Vivi.” I’d planned on taking it slow but when she slammed down on my cock and vibrated with pleasure, all hope was lost.

  “Yes, Nash. Please.” She held on tight while I thrust hard and deep, growling my name every time my balls smacked against her. She was on fire. For me. Burning up and tasting my flesh like she just couldn’t get enough. “Nash.”

  “Fuck, I love hearin’ you say my name, babe.”

  “Good. Because I’m close and I have a feeling-,” Her words broke off when we hit the wall, giving me better leverage to thrust deeper and harder. Faster and deeper. So fucking deep I felt it in my spine. “Oh, fuck!” Her pussy was wet as it quivered around me, pulsing in fast addictive waves that quickly had me drowning in her.

  Fuck me. Vivi coming apart was a sight to behold. But Vivi coming apart and giving as good as she got was enough to make my cock weep. And she was ready to cry as her juices slid down my cock, grinding and gyrating against me. “Vivi.”

  “Come apart, Nash. I feel how hard you are.”

  She nipped my ear and that was it, the fire in my spine raged and swirled out of control as I was pulled down the Vivi undertow. “Fuck me. You, temptress.”

  She laughed and the feel around my cock was magnificent.

  She was magnificent.

  And I was in deep fucking trouble.


  “Shut up!” The stupid alarm on my phone would not stop beeping and I couldn’t figure out where the hell it was. After an all night writing session, I crashed on top of the bed without taking off my clothes or climbing under the sheets. And I was in the middle of a really good dream where my knees were on either side of Nash’s head while I rode him like a cowgirl. Until the stupid alarm starting beepin’ and buzzin’ somewhere downstairs. “Ah, silence!”

  Getting back to sleep would be impossible and no matter how much I wanted to climb back into bed and sleep for another two hours, the alarm was set for eleven and anything later than that was just ridiculous. So I put on a pot of coffee and went to stand under a hot shower until I could keep my eyes open on my own. Mostly. It wasn’t even noon yet and the temperature was edging towards hell so I threw on a pink maxi dress and flip flops and made a beeline for the coffeepot.

  One long hot gulp and I was finally starting to feel human. Another sip and my lips began to curve into a smile all on their own. I’d made some big changes to Sweeter Nothings sometime after midnight and had to resend the updated one to my editor around four. I was operating on a deficit but I felt good.

  Good enough to spend a few hours in town. Taking care of business.

  The first order of business was getting food in my belly but since I had to pass Dallas McInnis’ office, one of two lawyers in Belle Musique, I stopped there first. The white house with the wraparound porch and the black and gold shingle was as familiar to me as the library where I used to spend hours when I wasn’t hanging out on the outskirts of popularity. I climbed the blue painted steps and went inside. “Hey Jean, does Dallas have a few minutes to talk with me?”

  Dallas McInnis’ secretary looked up with two perfectly arched ebony eyebrows that were in sharp contrast to the big silver bouffant framing her delicate bone structure. “Viviana, girl, you are a stunning little thang, aren’t ya?” She stood and wrapped me in a perfumed hug. “I wish I still had these curves. I’d kick up a whole mess of trouble around here.”

  “I’m sure you still kick up quite a mess, Jean.”

  She gave me a look and shook her head. “Not like you. Not from what I hear.”

  “Is Dallas in today?”

  “No honey, he’s not.”

  It was like pulling teeth getting information from this woman. “When will he be back?”

  She sighed and crossed her legs, fixing me with her most sympathetic look. “I’m not sure. He called late last night and said he had to go out of town on some emergency but he didn’t say what. Only to hold the place down while he’s gone, like I know what that means. I take calls and set meetings, but what else am I supposed to do without a law degree, you know?”

  Hell no, I didn’t know but I was raised a proper southern woman and some days I still remembered what that meant. “Well, it sounds to me like you get paid to work on your nails and maybe get some reading done.”

  Her icy blue eyes lit with mischief. “I like the way you think, Viviana. Though it is good to see you back in town.”

  “Thanks, Jean. I’ll see you around.”

  “Hopefully at the potluck?” She made it sound like a question but we both knew that was an order.

  “We’ll see, Jean.” I waved as I headed for the door.

  “And congratulations on your nuptials, honey. You bagged quite a hunk.”

  I wanted to beat my head against the wall but there wasn’t one close enough so I satisfied myself with looking around at all the changes in town. There were plenty of new businesses in town, everything from clothing boutiques to specialty chocolates and even a sexy lingerie store. But the old places like the diner and the drug store with the soda fountains were just the same, only updated. Newer, clean awnings and updated signs made it clear that though Belle Musique was small, she was thriving.

  I stopped at the diner and bought two lunch specials, hoping Maddie was free for lunch because some girl time seemed like a good idea. Then I spotted Della McInnis’ new office just across the street where the old flower shop used to be. The blue building with daisies and tulips painted around it was gone and was replaced with a brick façade and those slick green windows favored by large corporate buildings. I pulled the door handle and it was locked.

  I thought it was strange but it had been a long time since I lived in a small town where people took off in the middle of the week for reasons unknown and everyone just rolled with it. Which meant I had to roll with it too. “I come bearing pastrami on rye for the right girl.”

  “Hang on,” Maddie called out, breathless and excited. “Hey Vivi, this is a nice surprise.” While I had no doubt she was happy to see me, her gaze was laser focused on the red and white diner bag in my hands.

  “You are shameless, honey. But I admire that in a friend. How’s it going?” I followed her to the back of the store where the tiny break room was, where Max sat on a beanbag chair, reading.

  “Good. Great. Business is good.”

  “Say good one more time and I’ll actually believe it.” She rolled her eyes and sighed.

  “Zeke asked me out and I’m not all that sure I should be getting involved with him.”


  “But,” she said with a nervous grin, “he might be the perfect way to get my feet wet again.”

  “He could get something else wet too. And I’ll watch Max for you, whenever you decide to get your feet wet.”

  Her lips twitched at my joke and before long she was laughing so hard her shoulders shook. “You really are incorrigible, Viviana Stark.”

  “Thanks. I try.”

  She flashed a smile that was equal parts bemused and curious. “What are you up to today?’

  “Nothing, apparently. I got a late start because I was up all night writing so I figured I’d come to town to get some business taken care of but the strangest thing—both McInnis lawyers are out of town.”

  “Della’s gone the whole week. She’s in California on a conference and I think she might have a beau.”

  Well, I certainly wasn’t going to leave this business to a stranger. It was bad enough the whole town knew Nash and I were accidentally married thanks to Aunt Mae’s amateur voodoo, but to let the word spread outside of Belle Musique was unfathomable. So, divorce proceedings were on hold until the lawyers came back to town. “Do you have any lightweight nightgowns for this heat?”

  She arched one blond brow in question at me but I was a pro at hiding my feelings. Mostly. “I have just the t
hing.” While Maddie disappeared I cleaned up our lunch and left half of my portobello and cheese burger for Max.

  “See ya later, kiddo.”

  “Bye, Vivi.” He didn’t even look up from his read. A kid after my own heart.

  “Okay, here’s what I have. These five are perfect for you.” She held out each one and even though I knew I shouldn’t, I imagined Nash’s face when he saw me in each of them. It was that same dark and hungry look he had the moment before he pounced on me. Gave me what I wanted so bad I was willing to beg for it. Had begged for it, too. More than once.

  “I’ll take them.”

  “I guess that answers whether or not things are going well with you and Nash. The whole town is speculating, you know?”

  I didn’t know for sure but I had my suspicions. “Why do you think I’ve been avoiding the Belle Musique Facebook page?” The gossips were relentless, if well-meaning. “I guess things are going okay. We don’t know what in the hell we’re doing but sure, it’s going okay.” My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked down, smiling at the message.

  Dinner tonight. Won’t take no for an answer. ~Mr. Boudreaux

  Maddie’s laugh pulled my attention back to her behind the register. “Seems like it’s going better than okay, at least according to that mint julep smile you’re wearing.”

  “The sex is going amazing. Like fantastically magnificent. But the rest of it is confusing as hell. It’s going to get messy and I can’t deal with messy right now, I have too much going on. But I can’t stop either, dammit.”

  Maddie’s brown eyes were wide at my overshare. “Okay, well clearly you have some feelings on the subject.” I pointed at her twitching lips, daring her to laugh. She didn’t. Thankfully. “Here’s my advice, Vivi. Do it. Enjoy the hell out of it but protect yourself as much as you can. No one ever died from a broken heart and if nothing else, you’ll get a hell of a book or two out of it.”

  “What I just heard is that I’m screwed.”

  “Maybe, but you might end up with a really great husband. Or another hit novel.” She shrugged and wiggled her eyebrows at me. “And sexy lingerie has been helping women get what they want since the first lace was created.”

  “And before lace?”

  Maddie grinned. “Good old fashioned nudity.”

  That much I could handle. For now.

  I hoped.

  “It’s about two best friends who find a magical cave that shows the future and they can have the future or they can try to change the past. But if they, do the future might not happen.” Norah had been talking nonstop since I arrived on the Boudreaux doorstep almost an hour ago.

  “Wow, that’s a pretty big topic for such a young writer. How did you come up with it?”

  “I didn’t want to do a boy-girl story, and everyone has a best friend.”

  “Good point. It sounds amazing and I can’t wait to see it, kiddo.” Her blush was so adorable, I just wanted to scoop her in my arms.

  “Do you mean it, Vivi?”

  “Of course. I haven’t had a friend like that since I was your age.” Spending time with Maddie today reminded me of how important it was to have girlfriends in your corner and I vowed to make a better effort where our friendship was concerned. “What you need is classic buddy comedy for inspiration,” I told her and scrolled through the video options until I found it. “Goonies.”

  Nash ambled into the living room and sat right between us and when his clean masculine scent hit my nostrils, it took every ounce of willpower I had not to moan. “What are you watching?”

  “Goonies!” I loved the way Norah said it, like she already knew how awesome the movie would be. Too bad I spent the first forty five minutes in a spell made up of Nash’s scent, his body heat and his proximity. It was like a magnetic field of sorts, pulling me in and holding me there until I no longer wanted to leave.

  Being too close to him made me feel warm and fuzzy. Hot and bothered. And it made it really hard to remember that I couldn’t feel the way I was feeling. That it was a bad idea.

  “I’m going to get Norah settled in bed and then I’ll be back. Stay right here.”

  Like I was going anywhere with the heat and promise burning in his eyes. “We’ll see.” Nash’s thumb brushed across my bottom lip and I shivered. Satisfied, he stepped away and picked up his little girl, taking her to her room.

  I contemplated leaving but my body would have rebelled if I’d have tried. That little hussy was sprawled out on the couch, overheated and so turned on it wouldn’t take more than a stiff wind to send her over the edge. But me, I was as cool as sweet tea. If sweet tea could be hot and horny.

  Nash came down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen, returning to the living room with two beers. He set them both on the coffee table and then cupped my face, kissing me like I was the most precious, dirtiest thing to him. His tongue slicked over mine and I was lost. On fire and ready to tear off all my clothes just to get closer to him. But we couldn’t.

  Could we?

  Decision taken out of my hands, Nash pulled back and handed me a beer. “Been waiting to do that since you got here.”

  “Tease,” I groaned, and he laughed.

  “How’s the book coming along?”

  I debated how much to tell him but I wasn’t ashamed of my work and I was proud of this one. “Very good. Kade and Amber’s story is hot and emotional, kinky and romantic. She’s been through hell and back and as her sometimes Friend, Kade has been there helping piece her back together. I think it’s going to be beautiful.”

  He was quiet for a long beat. “Wow, that sounds incredible.”

  A laugh bubbled up out of me. “Don’t sound so surprised, Nash.”

  “I am,” he admitted as his hand massaged my neck and his fingers occasionally tangled in my hair. “But only because I really thought those books were lady porn. Not full blown stories with people and everything. But that story sounds like something I would be interested in.”

  “That’s good to hear,” I told him, my eyes tracking his hands as they slid up my thighs, pushing my dress along the way. His warm hands kept going, calloused hands over smooth skin was such a turn on that I almost hated I’d wasted so much of my life with men with soft hands. “Ah.” I hissed out a breath as his thumbs brushed over my nipples.

  “Vivi, we can’t.”

  Damn. He was right. “Okay. Okay,” I said again and stood. “Just one more thing. I bought something today and I’d like your opinion.” Tugging on the string tied into a bow behind my neck, I let the dress fall to the floor and stood before him in white lace. All white lace. All over. “What do you think, Nash?”

  His gaze was hot as it seared through me, making me pulse starting between my thighs and spreading out. Then he was on his feet with me in his arms as he marched us to his bedroom. Only then did Nash spend the rest of the night showing me exactly what he thought of my new outfit.


  “Why do I have to bring a dish if you’re already bringing one?” I turned to Vivi so she could look at the shirt I just changed into. We’d been at it for at least thirty minutes and if not for her smile and spectacular cleavage, I probably would have given up.

  She scrunched up her nose and shook her head at the shirt. “Because the rule is each household brings a dish. Try the blue one.”

  “Bullshit.” I kept my gaze on her as I took off the green shirt and balled it up before tossing it on the bed. The look in her eyes had my cock swelling behind my zipper. “Eyes up here, cupcake.”

  She grinned even as her cheeks pinkened but her gaze was brazen as it slowly raked up my body before landing on my eyes. “Just enjoying all of your dedication to physical fitness, that’s all.”

  “Yeah?” She nodded, gaze dipping below my eyes for only a second. “Impressive willpower.”

  “Thanks. I honed it by not murdering my so called friends from business school. I have a newfound appreciation for just how hard that is.”

  I couldn’t help but
laugh even though I knew she was being honest. “So.”

  “So? The blue shirt?”

  “Tired of the view?”

  “Not even a little bit, but we kind of have someplace to be and a little girl getting ready down the hall. But if you’re game…” She moved to stand, and I reached for the blue shirt.

  “All right, you made your point, Vixen.” She glared at me, and I laughed. “I mean, Vivi.”

  “Smartass. We’re just going to be the happy couple tonight, right?”

  “Seeing as the town lawyers are mysteriously absent, yeah.” She didn’t seem upset about it which shouldn’t have felt so good, but dammit it did.

  “I’m glad you said that because I’m eager to see how high the baby pool gets.” This town had grown crazier over the summer or maybe Vivi brought it out of all of us. I didn’t know which was true but her smile made me forget why I should care.

  “Baby pool? You can’t just say baby pool and then zone out!”

  “On the town Facebook page. Apparently, there were bets about how long it would take us to get together, intimately. It’s still going because no one has confirmation.” The shock on her face matched my own when I saw it with my own eyes. “And you might be surprised to learn that some people have already lost the baby pool.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Are you serious? Jealous bitches,” she muttered, and I laughed. “Put that blue shirt on and let’s go, Boudreaux.”

  It took me about fifteen minutes to get dressed, find my shoes and make sure all the doors and windows were locked. Belle Musique was a small town with very little crime, but when it came to Norah I refused to risk it. “Hey ladies, it’s a potluck not the prom!”

  “Daddy, don’t be silly. We’re pretty aren’t we?”

  I turned with a wide grin. “You’re both very beautiful.” Norah twirled around in her denim skirt and butterfly leggings with a black t-shirt and matching shoes. “Norah, you look adorable.”